^LAlertBox=AlertBox "AlertBox" "Alert boxes are a good place to display error|messages or pass information to you readers."^l ^LBalloon=Balloon "Balloons are good for|quick, brief messages."^l CloseWindow Delay ^LDOSCommand=DOSCommand "Calc.EXE" ""^l Exit FileCopy FileDelLine FileErase FileInsLine FileRead FileLen FileWrite ^LFind=Find "CURRENT"^l GotoPage GotoFirstPage GotoLastPage GotoPrevPage GotoNextPage GotoLine If ^LImageWindow=ImageWindow "ImageWindow" "-1" "-1" "EARTH4.PCX"^l InternetLink Math MCICommand ^LMenu=Menu "157" "241" "Apples|Oranges|Grapes|Pears|Peaches|Lemons|Melons"^l ^LMesageBox=MessageBox "MessageBox" "Message boxes are great for prompting users with|questions that require simple Yes/No or complex|multiple choice answers." "Yes|No|Maybe" ""^l ^LPlayCartoonFile=PlayCartoonFile "397" "286" "397" "286" "ASTERISK.CAR" "10" "48" "LOOP"^l PlayFlicFile ^LPlaySoundFile=PlaySoundFile "HELLO.WAV" "NORMAL"^l ^LPlayTone=PlayTone "440"^l PlayVideoFile ^LPopupImage=PopupImage "-1" "-1" "EARTH4.PCX" "0" "Dissolve" "2"^l PrintDataFile ^LPrintImageFile=PrintImageFile "EARTH4.PCX" "300%"^l ^LPrintPage=PrintPage "Features"^l ^LPrintTextFile=PrintTextFile "Header" "Page &p" "ASCII.TXT"^l Random ReturnToPage SearchStr SetFont SetVar SoundBuzzer ^LStickyNote=StickyNote "-1" "-1" "Sticky notes are another useful way|to communicate with your readers." "0"^l StopMedia StrDel StrIns StrLen SubStr SystemInfo ^LTextWindow=TextWindow "TextWindow" "-1" "-1" "ASCII.TXT"^l